I think it was one of the first games I watched from beginning to end. I was glued to the screen the whole time.
The first quarter resulted in two touchdowns and lots of cheering.
You could see the V-tech fans holding their own face with anxiety written all over it.
We had already had three beers each at that point out of pure joy and happiness.
Then the second quarter and the third quarter happened...
Next thing you know, V-tech was ahead of us and we had 5 more minutes left till the game was over.
Our living room had about 15 people in it and nobody said a word.
I kept praying under my breath.
"Touch down... Touch down... All we need is a touch down!"
My wish was granted and Boise State had a touch down one minute before the game was over.
We were now 3 points ahead...
All I was worried about was that we scored too soon that V-tech might have a chance to launch out another touch down.
They threw a long throw and missed the catch.
That was their only chance to recover from our previous touch down.
The game was over and we had won the opening game of the season to Virginia Tech.
What a great night. I hope we make it to the National Championship!