Thursday, April 29, 2010

I am changing my facebook status

I have been dealing with my current/past relationship for the past few months. My so-called boyfriend that lives 6000 miles away decided to fall off of the face of the earth. Or maybe just from in front of me.
How do you deal with that. I really didn't know what to do, so I just ignored it.
Time passed and feelings went away. I am a believer in love, but at the same time I am really realistic when it comes to break ups. Without physicaly seeing eachother and no verbal communication, it is impossible to try and keep feelings residing for someone. Words are more powerful than you think they are.
That is why we avoid, and walk away from communicating when you are scared.
That is why we are scared to tell someone that you love them, or don't love them.
When your boyfriend/girlfriend lives half away around the world and isn't talking to you what would you do?
I decided to change my facebook status from "♥ in a relationship with__________" to "♥ single".
I have been wanting to do this for two months now and I tried my best not to be the rude person breaking up with someone over facebook, but it is time to do it.
I can no longer live a life like this with a big relationship status hanging over my head. A little exaturating but...
It is funny to see how we started to shape our relationships through social media.
I just overheard a conversation the other day: "He is such a jerk, he doesn't even show on his facebook status that he is in a relationship so he can still get girls!!!" Wow, what a statement. Again, I am sitting here blogging about how I don't want to do this and make it public.

I am going to be a public facebook pickel eating jerk.

Okay, maybe I wait one more day...

P.S. I really don't care to let all my facebook friends know about my relationship status anymore in the future.

Sleepless in Boise

I am a night owl.
I sleep a lot.
I stay up way late and I wake up way late.
I love to sleep but I hate to fall asleep.
I love the sun but I rather see it come up before I go to bed than seeing it come up when I wake up. I feel like my day starts when the sun goes down.
The accomplishment of staying up to see the sun come up is something that I like.
You can't stare at the sun but you can stare at the moon.

I dream so vividly.
I go on adventures every night.
I wish I was dreaming all the time.

I don't like the day time.
I rather be asleep counting sheep.