Monday, May 24, 2010

Two weeks till I go to Japan for a month.

I am not ready. I still have so much to do here.

Why am I hesitating? What is stopping me from being excited.

I am glad I made the decision to stay in the States and not go back to Japan.

I often question myself why I decided to stay after all.

Was it because my heart was broken?

Was it because I couldn't find myself there anymore?

I don't know but things happen for a reason and the Universe knows where to put you.

You just have to make sure take the opportunities when they come.

The Universe lays it out for you.

I used to ignore all the signs of success and the stop signs.

Just because they are intangible signs it doesn't mean that you should ignore them.

Some people might call those signs the "gut feeling".

I have a really good gut feeling right now.

It says "go" on it all over the place.

I can't wait to tell you about it.